399 After 24 hours, a bright future for UK lamb

Today. With the sun, we always have the approval of the sheep
Yesterday. The wool was pulled over their eyes



Photos Stourbridge UK, December 2016

© 2016 La Floralie 2

397 New fields of vision for all. By looking differently

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Photos Stourbridge UK, December 2016

© 2016 La Floralie 2

395 A lesson in bird sense. When in a fog, stay still work less

A topic of conversation this week between friends. A very ordinary picture taken on Monday morning, dense fog, so very surprising, that as with every single morning, a bird should still take his place at the top of this tree.

With virtual invisibility. is force of habit so engrained over common sense?  A puzzle, so the question was posted on facebook. Back came a very interesting response.


“Birds sense of vision is very different. They will pick up ultra violet too. Humans have a very, very limited visible spectrum.” Amazing answer. This was from my own son, naturally I thought I couldn’t leave that to chance.  And then I found the following:

“…..some species of birds,  do take at least some of the day “off” and do not go out to search for food in the fog. (but)… some of those birds may look like they are taking it easy, but may have been up before dawn and have already done their early morning feeding–fog or no fog. They may just be hunkering down to relax during a time when they know it is more difficult for both them and their predators to be out flying and looking for food….

On the whole, birds have much better vision than humans do. Many kinds of birds have the ability to see much greater detail than we do with the ability to see into the ultraviolet range of light…. Others have retinas that are set up with the different colour-sensing cones placed differentially such that they see certain colours best when looking upward, other colours best when looking down, and still another altered range of colours when looking sideways. Many birds can see through the fog as if they were wearing blue-blocker sunglasses and can easily navigate in all but the most dense of fogs.

Many birds do not travel very far to search for food. These birds know their local area as well as you know how to walk through your own house at night. With the barest of clues, they could almost fly from place to place in their neighbourhood while blindfolded. The fog is a bit of an impediment, but not one that will stop them from going out to forage for food and water”                                                                        

Ref: https://www.quora.com/How-do-birds-fly-and-look-for-food-during-foggy-days

Never thought that such a grey picture would be that interesting. And a source of great pleasure through that very satisfying feeling when your children stretch your understanding not only of the world, but of them.  “Relaxed efficiency”. Grey days will never be the same. Just brilliant.


© 2016 La Floralie 2

394 Recline not decline . Brushing not rushing . Space and not haste . Grace the new air, not outdated cares






© 2016 La Floralie 2

393 On the wild side. Party season. Dark till dawn, redress to destress


There is a thriller in the chiller.  Solid, reliable Snowberries by day, transform into the funkiest “oggler-boggler” ready to go.


Hanging out…?  Beech is not ready to drop yet either, but after a little too much dry cold, it plays a neat masquerade as “bats on a branch”


What the musical “Hair”did for baby boomer afro perms, the silvery, delicate Fluffs bring a touch of glamour as “floral sheep” – at least in their imagination.


Then finally, after 15 hours of silent frolic, its time to sleep it off by day until dusk.

Fashion parties. Its always the quiet ones.

All very cool.


© 2016 La Floralie 2

391 A little light play before bed

When the moon begins to rise in the Winter months it is awake, frisky and ready to play its part and shine its best. But being our one moon can be lonely.  Looking down at this time of year, and when life on Earth is beginning to completely relax or hibernate, who on Earth is there to talk to?


Not that the Man in the Moon is a great conversationalist, but after so many billions of years orbiting around our Earth, there must be something more. But we are not privy to witness friendships, special relationships and significant others between Moon craters and Flora stems, but this is the year of the rare red moon, and surely, if even the Moon has to find ways to relax with company and socialise, this would the right year. The universe is a such big place to be alone in after all.

So how surprising, that just today, a classic game of light ball, chase-with-plants and even walking the tightrope have all been witnessed as moon-play this afternoon. How might that happen at such unearthly distances?

The scientific explanation….

Well, the Crescent Moon in particular like connects with our sense of fantasy. But this is not virtual reality, this is the age old game.  At 200,000 miles away, the moon can be small and plants can be giants, but we are connected. And so at this time of year, we have a light chase. See the photographic proof, the camera never lies…

The Bramble light chase


Should the Moon ever tease Winter’s leafless scenery before sleep, those gnarled, twisted brambles who do not like to be touched at the best of times, will secretly enjoy using their left over if somewhat  frayed adrenalin, to chase any lunatic out of its tangled loops across the night sky.

Then the afternoon finally closes fast.  The sunset glides on the horizon, whilst the Moon achieves a very good height in the sky in a satisfying position to observe everything at its leisure.


All appears to be so settled, so why then did the Moon take up tight rope walking?


This does only happen at night, but someone on the other side of the road, too rooted to walk the cable, nevertheless could see an opportunity.  Here was an opening for friendship, and an irresistible chance to play a little light humoured ‘catch and bounce’.

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It was Willow’s giant and dangling arms which swayed delicately with the distant crescent.  But then with the air cooling fast, it was definitely time to chill.

Time for even a young December moon to slow its pace and now enjoy a gentle swing and watch his age old partner the sun, to finally take his place on the other side of Earth.







© 2016 La Floralie 2

390 Relaxation Energy. Lessons from the Yoga Plant


Whilst it wears spikes on the outside, relaxation on the Inside is also the Aloe Vera. With self corrective methods for perfect spinal alignment and full flexibility, the “Yoga Plant” has the ability to grow naturally into poses without strain.

As it ages, Aloe Vera can grow very large. This remarkable specimen seen yesterday in Earls Court, London, had leaves at least 40 cms width at its base.  And exactly the same as humans, it needs to manage its weight. But unlike many of us,  it will tackle any unwanted ounces remarkably simply, opting for the easiest and certainly the most ideal natural response.The rate at which an aloe grows is exponential to the suppleness and agility required to support it. Consequently,  Aloe Vera can evenly distribute its weight healthily, without force, without pain.  And only without pain, one can relax.


Through living a life of “taking it easy”, it is worth noting how this Aloe Vera will ensure a constant activity, however in the UK Winter, it has to take its mastery s-l-o-w-l-y.  To accomplish its full potential for inner growth and a strong, firm, but agile physique, yoga is the all embracing method for the Aloe Vera.

Along with perfect focus and upright, balanced stature,  gentle back bends, spinal twists, arm wraps, the Downward Dog and even the perfect ‘Bridge’ are all possible, simply because Aloe Vera grows into its postures without strain.  For this plant, relaxation is not just a way of Life, it is survival. It happens not through a random decision to take a break, but via a mechanical system which has evolved by design with mathematical precision over millions of years. It has the perfect system for optimum well being.  With engineered accuracy, responsive to change, how does it work?

Water comprises much of its weight, and as a fluid, water is very movable. In the Aloe Vera, water imbued with nourishing chemicals, coagulates into a thick concentrate. It travels throughout its structure for excellent “spinal tap”. This life-giving substance is the same well known healing gel which we now use to soothe burns, relieve from heat and moisturise for all weathers.

But imagine, how very nifty would it be to create your own healing liquid? Not just for after exercise, but for surviving sub zero temperatures and excessive heat.

Well, well, well…….Hello Vera! Your techniques for refreshment are completely remarkable. What a lesson in how to use relaxation energy as the secret of growth, physical fitness and self-preservation. Your DNA is amazing.

Incase any potential Aloe “Freds” were wondering, gender assignment is already considered in the Aloe Vera name, it simply doesn’t matter who or what you are, Nature is inclusive, so you can breathe. Such relaxation energy techniques are available for all to be inspired by.









© 2016 La Floralie 2

387 Advent Eve . Crystal Night

img_20161128_164044997The official eve of Winter.  In the world of forest and field, stems of all ages and sizes are naked. The once powerfully dressed giants of swathing green and the gentile,delicate ferns beneath them, now show how all is created equal when stripped bare.


This means that Autumn is now resolved. Its skills in creating the unity of leaves over the past few months, has been a triumph. All have their own perfect timing to gradually stray upon the Earth and to dissolve within its surface. No revolution will ever change this process.

Tonight, the ground is a carpet of crystal, as if the stars have fallen from the now undisturbed sky space. Is it too simple to think that the impossibly distant and giant sun balls change into freezing crystal specks when we are not looking?

Light is certainly a shy and contrary beauty with both hot and cold extremes. As a main key holder in creating life, light has immortality. Infinity is not for us to question or keep it, but respect its ceremony and purpose. If its gods decide to travel from sky to earth, so be it.

From the bringer of life, warmth and illumination,  we don’t often think about or expect Light’s final touch as frozen adoration. Crystals can be the mark of a true romantic, however cold, but such is the necessary gifting of opposites. The nature of the Universe is contrary.

But now, the air is clear.  About the future, the Universe is now below our feet. Winter is here. In the UK, tonight, the stars are on the ground. The real Winter Wonderland.







© 2016 La Floralie 2